arbitrage rate

英 [ˈɑːbɪtrɑːʒ reɪt] 美 [ˈɑːrbɪtrɑːʒ reɪt]




  1. Of course, this will lead to another problem, that is, during the time when a capital enters and leaves China, there can be arbitrage opportunities, like differences in interest rate and changes in currency exchange rate.
  2. To arbitrage the two markets, these companies accept renminbi as payment from Chinese importers, then swap the cash into dollars at the more attractive offshore exchange rate.
  3. In a broader context, interest rate arbitrage activities may seek to take advantage of the interest rate differential between two currencies.
  4. "This is in essence an arbitrage of the rate disparity between a restricted China and the free market," said one Hong Kong-based trade finance banker.
  5. Foreign Exchange Arbitrage is that the bank provides the form of managing finance affairs, avoiding the risk of the Exchange Rate and passing through arbitrage business for maintaining the original of the monetary purchasing power.
  6. Started from the basic principle of the currency swap, the paper studies the pricing and arbitrage of the currency swap, analyses three models of fix-to-fix interest rate currency swap and the market risks under each model.
  7. After analyzing equilibrium interest rate models and arbitrage interest rate models comparatively, this article chooses one of arbitrage interest rate models-BDT model as our interest rate pricing derivates model. And based on interest rate special behavior I extend the BDT model by introducing the transition probability parameter.
  8. Second, the BT project repo base price adjustment factors assume different subjects divided into three categories. Third, the use of single-factor arbitrage model BT is more reasonable in rate of return on investment prediction.
  9. Classic option pricing theory is built on the basis of efficient market hypothesis, that market has no arbitrage, logarithm stock price after a discount of risk-free rate follows a martingale process; this suggests the stock price increments in most cases should be mutually independent.
  10. Firstly, comparing the dynamic statistical arbitrage and traditional statistical arbitrage through yields, transaction times, transaction success rate and so on, we found dynamic method gains more stable profit, more arbitrage opportunities and higher trading success rate.